Day by day and week by week, our efforts can seem average and ordinary. But that’s the great thing about God. He can use our seemingly ordinary actions to make a HUGE impact!

  • 13,300

    Manna has reached well over 13,267 individuals through our ministry.

  • 248,938

    With the help of our many amazing volunteers, Manna has delivered 248,938 meals to the Tidewater area.

  • 328,087

    Since our inception in 2020, Manna has distributed 328,087 pounds of food to the Tidewater Community.

  • 50%

    Millions of people in the US don't have enough food to eat or don't have access to healthy food. More than 44 million people in the US face hunger. Nearly 50% of individuals experiencing food insecurity may not qualify for SNAP benefits due to program eligibility restrictions based on household income.

  • 5-10% increase

    The overall food insecurity rate increased sharply, rising from 10.4% in 2021 to 13.5% in 2022. The change reflects the largest one-year increase since 2008, and the rate, which amounts to over 44 million people, or every 1 in 7, is the highest it has been since 2014. End of pandemic-era programs and waivers resulted in higher food insecurity in 2023. Virginia food banks reported 5-10% increase in demand at pantries compared to the end of 2022.

  • Food insecurity rate in …

    Norfolk 13.9%

    Virginia Beach 8.2%

    Chesapeake 8.5%

    Portsmouth 13.7%

    Suffolk 9.8%

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