Mr. C

It“On March 24, 2021 I was blessed by the first visit of food laid upon my porch...

I was unable to answer the door because of a faulty doorbell. As the car drove off and the food laid upon my doorstep, I wept with joy and thanksgiving to those who had left me a gift of nourishment.

That day I felt loved by total strangers I did not meet. I had hesitated to call Manna because of the pride I had that I can do this alone. I am so happy that they are the hands and feet for so many. I had contemplated to call them again and prayed and fasted as I had no sustainability because of lack of work. Not in the sense of not trying. On May 7, 2021 I asked the Holy Spirit to help me in my time of need to bring a connection of work and food. At 10 p.m. (that day) I received a text from Manna Ministry saying, “We will be delivering to you tomorrow between 9-12. Please be home. Our volunteers will text/call when in route.”

I wept with joy with thanksgiving and praise that the Lord had answered prayers. You see I had not called Manna Ministry for assistance. It was the calling upon their hearts to answer the call!! How blessed are they to hear the Holy Spirit!

I was so grateful for their kind and compassionate hearts. From that day on May 7, 2021 I started going to Trinity Church as the Lord moved me to go there to share my experience and blessings to others.

Our Heavenly Father is moving in my life with connections and relationships that are coming into fruition on the Lord’s timing. I pray daily for the favor and anointing of Manna Ministry and those who serve and strive to share the gospel in our community through works and faith!