Ms. Eboni

"I grew up in Portsmouth and I was raised by my grandmother. My mother was only 14. By the time my brother and I were in high school we had moved into the suburbs. "

I now have three beautiful (children). The job I have been working at decided to stop paying us two weeks ago. It’s sad but God hasn’t failed me yet.

I met Candace before she created Manna and I knew it was a great idea when she would speak of it. At that point it was just and idea but now it has grown as an extension of love to the community.

My experience with Manna started in 2020. I lost my patient of 9 years. He was supposed to have heart surgery but the doctors said something went wrong . Then my husband had gotten laid off due to COVID-19. It was horrible. (Manna) not only brought food over, there were diapers and wipes and an assortment of things we needed and couldn’t not purchase. Toothpaste, toothbrushes, laundry detergent. I felt so blessed. After I put everything else up there was one more gift - a Bible. I just couldn’t stop crying. (They) let me know they would be doing a toy drive for Christmas and every toy under the tree that year came from Manna. Christmas 2020 was a blessing. A true Christmas miracle.

God is in my spirit daily, He never leaves me!