Ms. T

I grew up as a small child in North Carolina but at 16 I moved back here to Norfolk. I left home at 17, got married at 18 and was divorced shortly after.

When I was still young my mom was diagnosed with cancer. She lived up north in Virginia so I went to live with her and took a job in construction but I was injured on the job. When I moved back to Norfolk I was living in a place where there was a lot of crime and shootings but I couldn’t work. I had to apply for food stamps.

A couple years ago I got COVID. I couldn’t even lift my head off the pillow. I got to the point where I said a prayer to God asking him to just take me. That’s when someone told me about Manna and their volunteers have been so wonderful.

I’ve had my niece, her husband and their baby girl living with me and we’re just trying to hang in there. I’m having a lot of medical problems. I’m on Medicaid but how can I keep everyone straight if I’m in the hospital?

Manna has been nothing but a pure blessing straight from God. These people just have a glow about them. They’re wonderful. They’re running their gas to bring to the needy and they really take time to understand my situation.

I cant see them, but I know they have wings on their back. They’re like angels. I was in a dark place and I didn’t know what to do then I heard their voice on the phone and we said a prayer together. God has put them out there. Thank you, thank you., Hallelujah!